How Districts Are Created

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How are districts created in Uganda?

Article 179 of Uganda’s Constitution provides for the alteration of the boundaries of lower local government units and the creation of new units. Government Minister triggers this particular article after consulting the cabinet. This process is at a higher level and applies to districts creation specially. 

The process

  1. A district’s boundaries can be altered or new district units formed, following article 179 of the Constitution.
  2. With the district officials’ approval and in consultation with the Cabinet, the minister follows the Town and Country Planning Act, and approval from Parliament after debate can declare a unit to be a district or town.
At the lower level, this process stops at the ministry of local government. 

For example, a  district may, with the minister’s approval, within its jurisdiction area, at the request of or in consultation with the relevant municipal council, alter the boundaries of or create a new municipal division council. A private member of the council can move a resolution that the boundaries of the district be changed to create a municipal division, this decision. If approved, the district council is then sent in the form of a resolution to the ministry of local government; if the ministry has no problem with it, then a municipal council is created.

How is a sub-county created?
Within its area of jurisdiction and with the approval of the Minister at the request of or in consultation with the relevant sub-county councils, a district council may alter the boundaries of or create a new sub-county. 

How is a parish created?
A sub-county or city division council may, within its area of jurisdiction with the district or city council’s approval or at the request of or in consultation with the relevant parishes or wards, alter the boundaries of or create a new parish or ward.

How is a  city division created?
Within its jurisdiction area, with the approval of Parliament and in consultation with or at the request of the relevant county council or city division council, a district or city council may alter the boundaries of or create a new a city division.

How is a parish or word created?
A parish or ward council may, with the approval of a sub-county, division or town council and at the request of or in consultation with the relevant villages as the case may be, alter the boundaries of or create a new. 

Fun Fact: Five years ago, when the Government, through the then local government Minister Adolf Mwesigwe attempted to withdraw the motion to create a phased out 25 new districts, MP Ekanya protested this move by attempted suicide, tightening his tie in a manner that showed his pain. MP Ekanya wanted Tooro to also get a new district status. 

 The then chairing speaker, Deputy Jacob Oulanyah, asked that he move to the national theatre:

“This is the Par­lia­ment of Uganda, one can only ex­press what they feel, but to act on how they feel is tak­ing it to an­other level, this is the par­lia­ment of Uganda, the na­tional the­ater is across the street.” said Oulanyah.” -Source Parliament Watch


Laws applied when creating a district:

  • The Constitution 
  • The Local Government Act 
  • Town and Country Planning Act

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