Bududa District is located in Eastern Uganda. Bududa was created by Act of the Ugandan Parliament in 2010. Prior, it was part of Mbale District.
The district is bordered by the Republic of Kenya in the East; the district of Sironko in the North; Mbale in the West, Kween in the Northeast and Manafwa in the South.
Bududa district has a population size of 210,173 and the major language spoken by the people is Lumasaba.
In terms of economic activity, the district is agriculture based where majority of the farmers are small holders who grow both perennial and annual crops. The perennial crops include banana, coffee, and tea, while the annual crops include maize, sweet potatoes, beans, cassava and groundnutsPlaces to visit, Mountain Elgon. Coffee trees in Bududa are, on average, very old (between 45 and 70 years)
Tourists may visit Mountain Elgon.
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