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Adjumani District is located in the northern region of Uganda. It was initially known as East Moyo before it became a district in 1997. It is bordered by South Sudan to the North and lies on the southern bank of the White Nile.

According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics figures, the district had a total population of 225,252 in 2014 with a projected population of 231,300 in 2018.

Madi is the main spoken language in Adjumani District.

More than 70% of the Adjumani population is engaged in crop and livestock farming. The remaining population (around 30%) are in salaried employment and other non-agricultural activities such as commodity trade, boda boda transport business, market vending, petty trading and services. Most farmers are smallholder who grow both cash and food crops. The crops grown include: maize, beans, millet, simsim, tobacco and groundnuts.

Wondering where to visit? Check out Zoka Tropical Forest.

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