Powers of the District Council

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The system of local government is based on the district as a unit under which are lower local governments and administrative units. The local governments in a district rural area are: 

  1. the district council
  2. the subcounty councils.

If you live in a city, the local governments there are —

  • the city council
  • the city division councils
  • the municipal council
  • the municipal division councils.

According the Local government Law, a city is an equivalent to a district. This is why Kampala City can have a whole structure of local government under the Kampala City Council Act. 

This means that a city is equivalent to a district, and a city council exercises all functions and powers conferred upon a district council within its area of jurisdiction. 

A division is equivalent to a subcounty, for example if you live in Nakawa, Nakawa is a division the sub-county.  Nakawa Division also performs the same functions as a subcounty.  

When it comes to municipalities and towns they act like lower local governments. Article 197 of the Constitution and section 79 of local government law state that a municipal or a town council is considered as a lower local government of the district in which it is situated.

Also, you can sue your local government if you are not happy with them or their projects.