The National Development Plan
The National Development Plan(NDP) is Uganda’s policy guide for poverty reduction. It is run under the National Planning Authority (NPA) whose mandate is to put in place, operationalize, oversee, manage, supervise, monitor, evaluate, and coordinate the national framework, systems and strategies for cost-effective and participatory national development planning.
NDP was developed from Uganda’s Poverty Eradication Plan (PEAP), the country’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). The PEAP was developed and launched in 1997 as a framework to provide for an over-arching framework for public action to eradicate poverty.
As a result of emerging challenges during the implementation of the PEAP, it was revised twice, first in 2000 then again in 2004. It is the latter version that was replaced by the National Development Plan (NDP) as the nation’s development framework. Uganda then shifted from its main Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP) to the NDP for a 30-year time stretch, starting in 2010.
The policy guide is part of the Uganda Vision 2040 which identifies the Government of Uganda’s development paths and strategies to operationalize the country’s vision statement of a “A Transformed Ugandan Society from a Peasant to a Modern and Prosperous Country within 30 years”. More information on the NDP